

The Boxis R610shreds up to 600 sheets automatically



The Boxis R610shreds up to 600 sheets automatically

The Boxis R610shreds up to 600 sheets automatically - Boosts productivity andefficiency. Simply drop in up to 600 sheets, shut the doors and pressStart. When the job is complete, shredder will automatically stop andunlock.It's feeder doors can be locked to protect particularlysensitive documents during shredding process. The locking mechanism isaccessed via a 4-digit PIN combination. A one time use 4 digit pin isused to lock the machine. Once the documents have been shredded, thelock is released and the code is reset and the machine is ready for itsnext use. It has microcut shredding to protect confidential documents.Shreds pages into virtually unreadable 0.08" x 0.59" pieces.
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  It can beused for use in medium to large sized offices. Handles the shreddingneeds of 10 to 20 people. It has durable cutters slice through staples,too. Supports continuous shredding, to maximize productivity. Apowerful induction thermally protected motor will shred 600 sheets of 81/2'' x 11'' letter paper or 300 sheets of 8 1/2'' x 14'' legal paper,sheet by sheet, into confetti paper particles. Durable hardened-steelcutters will accept staples and small paper clips. Excellent PaperShredder for Banks and other financial institutions (destroys check anddeposits with ease). An override key is provided that can be used tounlock the shredder in the event the personal PIN code is forgotten.Quick Overview * Innovative Auto-Feeder - drop in paper and walk away * The Boxis R610increases your efficiency - no more wasting time - saves hours andhours of time * Shreds up to 600 sheets per pass * For securitynecessary environments, use a one time 4 digit security code to lockthe shredder doors. After shredding is complete, the shredder isunlocked, code reset and ready to go for the next user. * FREE WhiteGlove Shipping (includes installation and training) * Great Shredderfor Banks and other financial institutions (destroys check and depositswith ease).Additional Information UPC 854191000079 Manufactured In: China ManufPart # R610 Model R610 Weight 117.0000 Dimensions 21.5"W x 16.9"D x36"H Expected Ship Date Next Business Day Shipping Weight 140 Warranty3 Year Limited Warranty (Parts/Labor) Color Silver Cut Type cross-cutSecurity Level 4 Shred Width 2mm or 1/16" Shred Length 15mm or 9/16"Sheet Capacity 600 Bin Capacity (gal) 22 Throat Size 9.45" Can Shred:Paper, Paper Clips, Staples Horse Power 0.4 Continuous Motor Yes AutoOiler Not Applicable Voltage 120v



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